board governance

The ripple effect - boards can make a difference

No other single topic related to nonprofit management gets as much attention as board governance, and for good reason.  

A great board can propel an organization to new heights, and alternately, a disengaged board will move the organization toward atrophy.  

Why is this key to an organization’s success so hard to get right?  It’s complicated. Nonprofit organizations have changed the way they operate, and so have board members given generational differences and a 24/7 electronic tether to the workplace.  

Good governance requires an investment of time and effort, to ensure that board members establish a shared understanding of their roles and responsibilities and that there is access to the tools, training, and support they need to be effective for that particular organization.  One size does not fit all.  

Each consultation is designed to meet the specific needs and budget of the organization. Oftentimes, strategic board development begins with a confidential self-assessment administered to board members and the executive director, followed by a review and discussion of the results.  Customized training and/or a board development action plan to address the organization’s specific needs are then developed and presented. If you need to recruit new board members, coaching, tools and processes are tailored to ensure that you attract and retain board members that bring the skills, commitment and energy to support your organization’s goals.

Is your board engaged, equipped and ready to drive your strategic agenda? 

Let’s connect!